OXFORDWorkbooks & Textbooks9780190341794newWORK1472https://dl2jx7zfbtwvr.cloudfront.net/productimages/work1472_1.jpgOxford Maths Practice and Mastery Year 2WORK1472

Oxford Maths Practice and Mastery Year 2

The Oxford Maths Practice and Mastery Books give students more opportunities for practice, consolidation, homework and revision. The Oxford Maths Practice and Mastery Books follow exactly the same sequence of topics as the Oxford Maths Student Books.

Each topic features:

  • Practice – activities that allow students to practise concepts and skills from the Independent Practice section of the Oxford Maths Student Book
  • Challenge – activities that allow students to practise concepts and skills from the Extended Practice section of the Oxford Maths Student Book
  • Mastery – activities that go beyond the Extended practice section of the Oxford Maths Student Book, and give students the opportunity to apply their learning and problem-solving skills in open-ended, real-world contexts.
  • 3rd edition

ISBN: 9780190341794

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