FINISHDishwashing ChemicalsnewDISH1217https://dl2jx7zfbtwvr.cloudfront.net/productimages/dish1217_1.jpgFinish Max In 1 Dishwasher Liquid 1LDISH1217

Finish Max In 1 Dishwasher Liquid 1L

Finish Max in One Shine & Protect Gel's fast dissolving formula gives you the amazing shine & clean you expect ensuring your dishes are clean and fresh. Finish Gel contains fast dissolving agent which breaks down and lifts away food and stains. Finish Concentrated Gel is particularly effective on short and low temperature settings. 

Doesn't protect from mechanical damage or restore already damaged items.


  •  Finish All in 1 Max fast dissolving Gel gives you a sparkling clean and shine - even in short cycles! 
  • Glass protection to help protect your glasses and keep their sparkling shine for longer. 
  • Removes grease, shines and protects your dishes. 
  • Finish is the #1 recommended by renowned dishwasher manufacturers.
  • 1L
  • Each
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