RAINBOWCardboard & Craft PaperAssortednewCRAF1157https://dl2jx7zfbtwvr.cloudfront.net/productimages/craf1157_1.jpgCello Wrap 500 X 750mm Met Asst Pkt 25CRAF1157

Cello Wrap 500 X 750mm Met Asst Pkt 25

Size: 500 X 750MM

Rainbow Cellophane Craft Packs are made from the real cellophane range of Rainbow Cellowrap and although still suitable for packaging uses, the Rainbow Cellophane Craft Packs are also a great art & craft product for the creative minded.

  • Size: 550 x 750mm
  • pack 25
  • Colour: Metallic Assorted
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